Tags: mtf
#1673 |
Tengo un problema cuando quiero ver gráficos en otras temporalidades, le doy click en TFM, escribo el numero de TF que quiero ver me habre una lista, selecciono la temporalidad pero el grafico sin conexion pero este nuevo grafico el precio no hace nada, simplemente me habre el grafico en la Temporalidad seleccionada pero el precio no camina.
#1676 |Hi Alber,
many thanks for choosing SphereTester!
Can you please confirm that from the list you are opening the chart that has a _ST suffix after the name of the symbol (see screenshot below).
SphereTester generates it’s own offline charts to avoid conflict with other indicators and scripts and these are marked with the _ST suffix. Only these charts are updated while the backtest is running.
Please let me know if this helps.
#1678 |Si, asi ya funciona el multiple time frame, Gracias solo tengo una duda, en el cuadro de dialogo que me aparece para que escriba el TFM, por ejemplo si escribo 5, eso que significa, 5 minutos, 5 horas, 5 dias ??
#1679 |Hi Alber,
the number you put in the dialog is the multiplier value. The timeframe of the main chart gets mulitplied by it.
For example if your main chart has a timeframe of M1 (1 minute) and you enter 10 as the multiplier the chart generated will be an M10 (10 minutes) time frame chart. If your original chart is a H1 (1 hour) chart and you enter 24 as the multiplier the new chart will be a D1 (daily) time frame chart.
Please let me know if this helps.
Jan#1680 |Muchas gracias, ya entendi, me ayudo mucho.
#2158 |Hi Jan,
I’ve a similar problem. I can’t find _ST suffix. It seems doesn’t generate.
I show you my screen.Thank you for your help,
#2190 |Hi Miquel,
can you please have a look in the Journal tan of the strategy tester and take a screenshot of it.
Jan#2198 |Lastly I solved the prolem. Maybe it was because I installed the expert on sunnday when there weren’t connection with the broker. Now it works correctly.
Thank you
#2330 |I have a problem. Second chart and next are black and “waiting for updates”, but i have data.
#2335 |Hi Tomasz,
many thanks for choosing SphereTester!
Can you please confirm that from the list you are opening the chart that has a _ST suffix after the name of the symbol (see screenshot below).
SphereTester generates it’s own offline charts to avoid conflict with other indicators and scripts and these are marked with the _ST suffix. Only these charts are updated while the backtest is running.
If this doesn’t help please have a look in the Journal tab of the tester and take a screenshot of it for me.
Please let me know how you get on.
Jan#2359 |Hi Jan,
Look on my screenshots below
http://imageshack.com/a/img921/4601/2gXVrj.png#2364 |screenshot of journal
#2373 |Hi Tomasz,
looks like you are using a broker with some special symbols. Unfortunately there is a limitation on how many characters the name of a symbol can contain and mt4 doesn’t let SphereTester to apply the necessary suffix to the name of the chart to recognise it as it’s own.
I will try and think of a workaround, in the meantime do you have another preferred broker you could use?
Jan#5298 |I have just installed the tester and am having the same problem. I can open a H1 chart but when i apply the multiplier of 2 in order to create a H2 chart it gets stuck on “waiting for update”
I notice when i select the offline H2 chart i only have an “S” suffix not “ST”. It reads EUR/JPYpro_S,H2.
However when i hover the mouse above this line is says Forex.com-Demo(R)\EURJPYpro_ST120.hst.
Any ideas please?
#5299 |Hey Grame,
This is known and it needs an update.
Actually, when there is a suffix at the end of your symbols like EURUSD_pro, Multi-time frame charts won’t work. Our team is working on it and they will try to have it implemented as soon as possible.Meanwhile, please use MT4 in which there are no suffix.