Tags: dll imports
#522 |
when I click on the start button a new chart opens and it is waiting for and update and after a couple of seconds the tester stops no ticks generated at all. Any idea what could be the reason for that?
#524 |Hi Colin,
can you please check if DLL imports are enabled in your terminal. You can do this by clicking on Tools/Options and on the Expert Advisors tab make sure that the “Allow DLL imports” option is enabled (see screenshot below). Click OK and restart your terminal for the change to take effect, this should solve your problem.
If this doesn’t help please check the output in the Journal tab of the Strategy Tester window and copy and paste any error messages here.
Jan#526 |Hi Jan,
thanks for the quick response, allowing dll imports solved the problem and I am already busy testing!
cheers, Colin#1952 |Hello
I follow the guide, are already enabled the import of dll and the data also have been uploaded but I get the following error:
2015.12.15 16:29:45.889 TestGenerator: no history data ‘AUDJPY60’ from 2015.06.01 to 2015.06.09Thanks for your time
#1957 |Ya no me da este error. Por el momento funciona.
El problema se genera porque la guía en español de youtube induce a cometer un error. En esa guía primero instalan el spheretester y después habilitan los dll.
No longer gives me this error. Nothing works.
The problem arises because the guide in Spanish youtube induced to commit an error. In this guide first and then install the spheretester enable the dll.
Thank you.#1965 |Hi Mario,
the above error refers to lack of historical data. Please make sure you have enough historical data for the timeframe and period selected. You can do this by opening a live chart and scrolling back to the past to the time you want your backtest to start at. This will force MT4 to download the data and it will work in the tester.
I hope this helps.
Jan#1980 |Buen dia
Yo tengo el mismo problema, la importación DLL esta activada, tengo los suficientes datos historicos y cuando le doy Iniciar prueba no hace absolutamente nada, antes andaba bien ahora ya no, no se que paso.
#2005 |can you please check the Journal tab of the tester for any error messages and let me if any.
Also please make sure that the strategy tester itself is not paused.
I hope this helps.
Jan#5826 |I press star and nothing happens.
2018.07.12 22:07:03.228 There were 1 passes done during optimization, 1 results have been discarded as insignificant
2018.07.12 22:07:03.228 SphereTester: optimization finished in 0:00:03
2018.07.12 22:07:03.228 SphereTester: critical error on the pass 0
2018.07.12 22:07:03.228 SphereTester EURUSD,H1: zero divide in ‘SphereTester.mq4’ (2783,49)#5827 |Hey Santiago,
Can you please share more details and possibly screenshots/video to info@spheretester.com so that team can help you out?