#6619 |
To Aayush
Yes of course i can send you screenshots as evidence that i own PerezGastelumBenjamin@hotmail.com and benjaminperezgastelum@hotmail.com. Also i will send you the screenshot from my paypal transaction containing the ID too in it but in order to do that i need your email.
Can u provide me your email or company´s email ?
#6620 |Please email us to info@spheretester.com
#6621 |To Aayush
I already send the email containing the screenshots to info@spheretester.com
I expect the license patiently.
Thank You!
#6626 |To Aayush
Thank you for your help and good service, i really apreciate it.
Two more things: At the email you listed me some conditions to run sphere tester correctly
1 What is UAC and how can i turn it on?
2 How can i know that the MT4 is not portable and from where i can download it?
(At the mt4 web page only appears the option to download mt5)Thanks Again
#6627 |Hey Benjamin,
Please Google about UAC and u will find a lot of articles.
Regarding, MT4, most of them are installers. You can download using this link – https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.software.corp/mt4/mt4setup.exe?utm_source=www.metatrader4.com&utm_campaign=download#6749 |already paid, but not receive a download link.
my email tracyqi11@gmail.com