#3643 |
I just started using SphereTester and some issues are coming out.
I used the tester yesterday evening and then left MT4 open with SphereTester paused.
This morning Windows said MT4 had an issue and had to be closed. So it did by itself, I couldn’t overrun the command.
This is a problem since to setup 4 charts with the right templates, 9 months of data starting from the 1h bars, drawing all the necessary technical elements is a long run, at least 30/40m.
I cannot go through the same process every time I test, I have to leave the MT4 open and continue.
But MT4 closed so there’s an issue.
Also yesterday I noticed MT4 was using CPUs power even when SphereTester was paused.
On top of this I lost all the testing data, meaning I have to go through it again.
Is there a way to send you a log file and investigate the issue?
#3645 |Dear Gianluca,
Thanks for sharing details. Actually this depends on a lot of things like your PC resources (RAM), MT4 capability and OS installed.
Still, I will ask my technical team to have a look at what you are saying and try to check what can be done.
Thanks Again.
Happy Trading!#3653 |Today the app has shown the same issue.
I never have MT4 closing.
So, this is SpehreTester specific. I cannot leave MT4 open meaning I have to redo the setup of the testing all the time.
Can you help me solve this issue please?#3654 |#3661 |Dear Gianluca,
As I mentioned I have asked my technical team to have a look.
BTW, meanwhile can you do the same thing with any other EA like SMA? This is just to check if its related to anything else.Also, please check the errors on the Journal tab before closing MT4 so that we can get errors info easily.
Thanks Again.
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