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#1449 |
Buenas noches,
He realizado todos los pasos que la guía especifica. En ningún momento me llega a pedir la licencia que me habéis mandado por correo electrónico.
¿Qué hago mal?Saludos
#1456 |Hi Daniel,
many thanks for choosing SphereTester!
It looks like that you have successfully managed to activate your licence since your above post but can you just please confirm that it is working fine.
Also if you could share here what the solution was, that could help others in the future.
Many Thanks,
Jan#1615 |Buenos días,
Efectivamente, resolví el problema que os planteaba. La solución es no marcar la opción de “optimización” antes de iniciar el experto.
#2780 |Hola,
Yo tengo el mismo problema que no me pide el nr. de licencia pero en mi caso no tengo la parte “Optimización activado”
que puedo hacer
#2781 |Hello Marianne
I see that your license is now successfully activated. Please let me know if there is any further issue.
Best regards.
#2862 |Hi I can not make it work spheretester, active as before the installation, do not hit the button optimization, can help make the program work. Thank you.
#2866 |Hi Aurelio,
Many thanks for choosing SphereTester!
Can you please share details of the problem you are facing, so that we can help you?
Aayush#3424 |Hola tengo todo instalado como pone en el manual pero no me pide la activacion de la licencia en ningun momento.
#3425 |Un nuevo gráfico se abrirá y una nueva ventana le solicitará una clave de licencia para el SphereTester. Introduzca la clave de activación en la ventana emergente y haga clic en Ok para continuar.
Esto en ningun momento me lo pide ni lo hace.#3430 |Hey Raul,
Was your problem resolved?
Aayush#3437 |LO tengo instalado pero cuando le doy a iniciar me carga los datos supuestamente y me deberia aparecer el cuadro de operaciones y pedir la activacion y no me sale nada de eso.
#3438 |Hey Raul,
Can you please confirm you followed these steps?
Your download will contain a zip file that contains the software (ex4 extension) in a compressed format. Please note that dll imports in the MetaTrader 4 terminal have to be enabled for SphereTester to operate correctly.
Download the zip file and open it
Right click on the ex4 file and select copy
Open your MT4 Terminal and go to File/Open Data Folder
Go to MQL4/Experts, right click and select paste
Restart MT4 and SphereTester will be available in the Strategy Tester
Select SphereTester and click on start
Enter your licence key when promptedThanks!
#3443 |Una vez que tengo todo bien xq ya me pidio la activacion y se hizo correctamente ahora cuando intento generar una orden me da el siguiente error.
2016.10.12 12:36:26.990 2016.05.18 08:26 SphereTester GER30,M5: OrderSend error 130
No dejandome hacer nada. como puedo solucionarlo?
Gracias.#3447 |2016.10.12 13:07:40.111 2016.05.17 18:32 SphereTester GER30,M5: OrderSend error 131
este errror tambien da.#3449 |Hey Raul,
Error 130 means Invalid Stop level while sending order. So, you need to check what SL you are putting in. Please make sure your SL level is correct, and there is a proper gap as per your broker. Like 20 pips or so.
Check it properly and let us know if it is solved.
Similarly make sure you have proper and valid TP and lot size as per your broker.
This will solve your problem.Cheers,
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