Tags: Font Color Reaability Usability
#1658 |
Hi Jan,
I have several problems using the simulator, it doesn’t work fine. I don’t know if these problems are (mine) caused by a bad configuration. I guess I have done everything right (acording the user guide)
When I want to move the control panel window, it moves only the blue button.
Button X (corner window) does not work…
Is there any way to change control panel letters, they are gray on a black backgrond, because I hardly can see them. Or maybe change the size of them.
Many thanks,
#1665 |Hi David,
many thanks for choosing SphereTester!
Is the simulator paused when you click/move the buttons and nothing is happening? Please make sure that the chart is moving when you are doing these.
The way SphereTester works is the same as any other indicator or Expert Advisor for Metatrader 4, an action is only taken when a new tick comes in. So if the chart is moving really slowly, let’s say at 1 tick/2 seconds and you click a button right after the last tick, the action associated with that button will only happen when the next tick comes in 2 seconds later. If the chart is paused the action will not happen until it is unpaused and a new tick comes in.
As for the colour of the buttons I might add the option to customise them in a future release.
Please let me know if this helps.
Jan#1686 |Hi Jan,
Many thanks for your quickly response. Now I have a bit clear how does it work.
It would be great to change the letters to a clear colors
#1903 |Hi
How can I go candle by candle during my bakctest?
I can’t find this feature in manuals.
I can stop it using the stop key, or even the slowest speed, but it is not accurate enough, price goes on without good control.Thanks
#1907 |Hi Miguel,
you can only go candle by candle if you are using the Open Prices Only testing model by pressing F12 but I don’t think anyone would recommend to use Open Prices only for testing.
In other testing models you can also use F12 ta advance tick by tick, Greg kindly shared his method in this post: http://spheretester.com/support/topic/shortcuts/#post-1905
Other than that I’m afraid it is not possible to advance a candle by a press of a button at the moment.
I hope this helps.
Jan#5724 |Hi – I just posted a similar thread about the color of font – as discussed here. Jan – you mentioned that you would address this issue nearly 2 1/2 YEARS AGO – QUOTE: As for the colour of the buttons I might add the option to customise them in a future release. ENDQUOTE
I like this product – but I now know I am not the only one who has problems reading the display.
JAN – an immediate update would release the product using WHITE FONTS – this would not require any extra coding – just one imput value and recompliing the EA – further down the line – you could release color modification interface – but for now – just a tweak and rerelase on your end – changing font colour from grey to white – making is more readable – this should be easy to do in a matter of less than an hour.
Please advise
john w#5725 |Hey,
Thanks for contacting us. I will definitely discuss this with the team and will try to find a fix.
Aayush#6512 |No funciona ni en compra ni en venta. Me aparecen los siguientes errores:
2019.01.11 20:05:30.713 2009.01.02 08:22:25 SphereTester EURUSD,H1: OpenBuy, OrderSend failed with error #134
2019.01.11 20:05:30.713 2009.01.02 08:22:25 SphereTester EURUSD,H1: OrderSend error 134
2019.01.11 20:05:30.713 2009.01.02 08:22:25 Tester: PrevBalance: 10000.00, PrevPL: 0.00, PrevEquity 10000.00, PrevMargin: 0.00, NewMargin: 13844, FreeMargin: -3843.50
2019.01.11 20:05:30.713 2009.01.02 08:22:25 Tester: not enough money for buy 0.10 EURUSD at 1.38444 sl: 1.37944 tp: 1.38744 [2009.01.02 08:22]
2019.01.11 20:05:29.826 2009.01.02 08:08:35 SphereTester EURUSD,H1: OpenBuy, OrderSend failed with error #134
2019.01.11 20:05:29.826 2009.01.02 08:08:35 SphereTester EURUSD,H1: OrderSend error 134
2019.01.11 20:05:29.826 2009.01.02 08:08:35 Tester: PrevBalance: 10000.00, PrevPL: 0.00, PrevEquity 10000.00, PrevMargin: 0.00, NewMargin: 13843, FreeMargin: -3843.30#6514 |Dear Gaerardo,
I can see OpenBuy, OrderSend failed with error #134.
It means you do not have enough money to open an order.
Either decrease lot size or increase funds in your testing MT4 account.Thanks,
Aayush#6519 |Muchas gracias Aayush, Ya ajuste el lote y si funciono.
Saludos cordiales.
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